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The Creatives Foundation – The Creatives Foundation

What We Can Do Together

Strategic Interventions in STEM

Direction of Travel

Strategic Objectives

We address barriers that stop students from being selected into or succeeding in STEM programmes and subjects

Our Programmes

School Retention

We promote programmes that advance school retention in both primary and secondary levels. Our focus is to deal with social norms and economic challenges that choke the academic progression of students.

Teacher Capacity Building

We provide training to teachers in computer literacy, Project-Based Learning and instructional skills. We envisioned to see an inclusive STEM capacity building for all teachers.

STEM Advocacy

We champion advocacy for STEM through outreach programmes and policy lobbying initiatives. We envision an education system that is fully focused on STEM development.

Infrastructure Development

We help the government and schools develop strategic plans for infrastructure investments. We envision schools that are fully equipped with materials for STEM programmes to thrive.